Health and Recuperative Care Programs for the Homeless
Medical Respite/Recuperative Care
Through partnerships with local motels, Ascending to Health provides homeless persons a safe place to recover after discharging from local hospitals, or when referred by a community partner agency. Patients receive shelter, daily vitals checks, and other supportive services to help them recuperate. Supportive services include care coordination with specialty providers, transportation to and from follow-up medical appointments, daily nutrition, benefits enrollment, connection to primary care and behavioral health providers, as well as assistance navigating long-term care and other housing options. In partnership with the Diversus Managed Services Organization, ATHRC offers trained/certified Peer Navigators to assist patients seeking recovery from substance use disorders. This includes assistance navigating sober living applications, and accessing other support services available in the community.
Care Coordination
While in respite care, patients can apply for replacement identification, birth certificates, apply for long-term Medicaid and other Medicaid-related supports, receive assistance reconnecting with the VA and related benefits, and receive assistance with housing and long-term care opportunities.
General Clinic Services
In addition to referral-based respite/recuperative care services, Ascending to Health provides whole person focused primary care through the Gold Camp Homeless Health Center. Located at 1007 S. Tejon Street, Gold Camp Health provides patient-centered and trauma-informed primary medical care for the general community. The provider is trained in medication assisted therapy for substance use disorders, and provides referrals for behavioral and mental health care through partner agencies. Hours are Tuesday 8am – 12pm and Thursday 8 am – 12pm. Walk-ins are welcome, or patients may call 719-635-7639 to schedule an appointment. Currently accepting Medicaid, Medicare and uninsured patients.
Clinical and respite staff conducts periodic outreach in the community to educate homeless persons and support organizations about primary medical care and respite/ recuperative care resources available at ATHRC/Gold Camp Health. Outreach allows the ATHRC team to maintain connection to the larger homeless services community and ensure that we remain a vital and valuable resource in the community.